Examples of use of kept fit
1. Truscott always kept fit, playing tennis almost until the end of his life, and completing the New York marathon at 61.
2. He will be missed and mourned by all of us.‘ Ironically, friends said Cook had never appeared healthier and happier since leaving office÷ he was a keen outdoorsman who kept fit by riding and walking.
3. Every year the committee can decide whether to award places of special natural, archaeological or cultural interest the status of a World Heritage Site, and whether to add any of those sites to its "danger list". By ratifying the World Heritage Convention, nations acknowledge that "such heritage constitutes a world heritage for whose protection it is the duty of the international community as a whole to co–operate". They also undertake to ensure that World Heritage Sites are kept fit for future generations, and "not to take any deliberate measures which might damage directly or indirectly the cultural and natural heritage". Environmental campaigners are saying that the 180 nations which have ratified the World Heritage Convention have a legal duty to protect Sagarmatha, as well as Huascaran National Park in Peru and the Belize Barrier Reef, from the impacts of climate change.